Monday, August 17, 2020


  "It's a free country, or at least deeply discounted." - Lorrie B. Potters

"America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense human rights created America." -- Jimmy Carter

"America is always changing, but America never changes."  - James Baldwin

“There is in American history a specie of ignorance, absurdity, and imbecility unknown to the annals of any other nation.” -James Callender, who drowned in a mud puddle

"Americans worship at the Church of the Second Chance." - Mara Liasson

"Questioning generals is what Americans do." - Neil Steinberg

"I am an American from the tip of my wallet to the bottom of my bank account."   - Charles Salzberg

"When you've got immigrants who are coming here legally, we've never in the history of this country passed any laws or done anything based on race or religion."  - Governor Nikki Haley, R-SC. 1/13/2016

“When you don't like it where you are you always go west.” -Robert Penn Warren.

“The American dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay.” - Julian Castro

"Marketing is what made America great. " -Jeffrey Dronkin, NPR Ombudsman

"America has left the building." -Chris Chandler

"I'd like to leave America for someplace where they would not know a word of English and I might be understood." -Dan Bern

"The reason American cities are prosperous is that there is no place to sit down." -Albert J. Tally, 1924

"The number of drug addicts in the United States is variously from 1,000,000 to 4,000,000." -L.F. Kebler, 1910 (A1.9:393) 

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