Monday, August 17, 2020



"The journey of a single step can begin with a thousand miles." - John Flynn

 "If you don't have a joke a fact is second best." - Penn Jillette

"When life gives you lemons have a gin and tonic." - Simon Brett

"Do not go gentle into that good night.  Bring a flash light." - Chris Knopf

"Be ye not snit-prone." -Bryan Bowers

"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."  - Samuel Beckett

"I don't know whether this is the best of times or the worst of times, but I assure you it's the only time you've got. You can either sit on your expletive deleted or pick a daisy."-- Art Buchwald

"Don't kill the messenger. In fact, don't kill anyone." - Andy Zaltzman

"If you catch all your flights you're getting to the airport too early." - Jon Lovett

"When life gives you harlequins, make harlequinade." - Falsetry

 "'Write about what you know' gets a bad rap.  If you don't know do the research and then you know." - Barb Goffman

"If you were thinking of assassinating a politician my main advice would be don't bother - they keep spares." - Mat Coward

 “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.” - Henry James

“Write like everyone you know is dead." - Joe Lansdale

 "Unless a reviewer has the courage to give you unqualified praise, I say ignore the bastard." - John Steinbeck

"You can get excited about the future. The past won't mind." - Hillary DePiano

“First forget inspiration. Habit is more dependable. Habit will sustain you whether you're inspired or not. Habit will help you finish and polish your stories. Inspiration won't. Habit is persistence in practice.” - Octavia Butler

"When I have a hard time identifying what desperately needs my attention, it's usually sleep." - Mike Bray

"A word of advice: Don't Google nun's underwear." - Catriona McPherson

"Trust the wolves, but do not tell them where you are going." -Neil Gaiiman

"Experience is a thing of extraordinary value and often exorbitant price.  And yet, when you try to give it away, to hand it over to someone else free of charge, they frequently refuse it."  - Leonard Pitts.

"Don't try to win.  Try to learn." - Lisa Scottoline.

"Do, oh do remember that when stern duty, daughter of the voice of God, is at the other end of a telephone the only thing to do is to ring off." - Dorothea Rowe

"Don't bring a pizza cutter to a knife fight." - Lorrie B. Potters

“Teach the Gospel at all times; if necessary use words." -Francis of Assisi

"The world is changed by your example, not your opinion." - Tom Hodge

"The only way to move forward creatively is to allow yourself to be judged." - Amy Hohn

"You can't help someone cross the street if they just don't want to go." - Steve Goodman

"Don't play God.  He always wins." - Terry Pratchett

"If you want to be whole, be a part." - Lorrie B. Potters

"There is no healing without humor." - Jess Lourey

"You can look back, babe, but it's best not to stare." - Tom Petty

"When you have a broken neck, it is almost impossible to throw a kumquat with the speed and accuracy necessary to hit a living squirrel." - Stephen Tobolowsky

"In terms of advice for writers I have two words: butt glue." -Janie Chang

"Mountains are highly susceptible to flattery."  - Jim Malcolm

"No crying on the yacht." - Catriona McPherson

"Talking is how they distract us from doing, and never mistake a Post or Submit button for someone’s genuine interest or actual action in the world." - Will Ludwigsen

"When smashing monuments, save the pedestals. They always come in handy." - Stanislaw Lem

"No man can serve two bastards." -Jim Britell

"If I've learned one thing from reading Dante, it's that if you find yourself in hell, take notes." - Neil Steinberg

"Don't steal the reader's crayons."- Chantelle Aimee Osman.

"You can't mend an omelet without unbreaking a few eggs."  - Neil Gaiman

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge,  dig two graves." -Confucius

“Those memories ain't gonna make themselves.” – Brian Thornton

"Don't kill your darlings. Just lock them in the basement." - Jon McGoran

“There is ecstasy in paying attention.” - Annie Dillard

“The only difference between a groove and a grave is the depth.” - Michael Z. Lewin

“Water towers on fire take care of themselves.” -Chris Otepka

“To really succeed neatness-wise you need a messy best friend.” -James Powell

“Let us look less to the sky to see what might fall; rather, let us look to each other…and rise.” -Judge Michael McShane

“Sometimes you have to be forced into your luck.” -William DeAndrea

"Only a damned fool puts the fight above what he fights for.” -Michael Collins

“What Would Sam Spade Do?” -William Francis Condon

“Wearing belt and suspenders doesn’t help if you forget your pants.” -Lorrie B. Potters

"Never argue with a nerd - you both get bogged down in details, but the nerd enjoys it." - Emily Keene

"The worst situations in the world always start with the words, 'trust me.'" -Kristine Kathryn Rusch

"Be obscure clearly.” - E.B. White

“What is to give light must endure burning.” - Viktor Frankl

"Be sure to leave your underpants with someone you can trust." -Ian Andersen.

"The earliest Christians get the hungriest lions." John M. Floyd

"Never swear at a parrot." Kevin McLoughlin

"It is impossible to wrap ones arms around a whale, a fleeing fox or a sunken ship" Judge Kevin M. McCarthy, Popov v. Hayashi

"If you hear any sinister background music, run like hell." -Carol Cail

"Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry." -Spanish Proverb

"Forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them more." -Oscar Wilde

"Beware of barking at underdogs; don't fight with people who have nothing to lose." -Dory Previn

"Rather than easy answers, search for clearer contradictions." -Lorrie B. Potters

"If all the people of the world would just join hands, three quarters of them would drown." -attributed to Pete Seeger

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