Saturday, April 27, 2024

New Arrivals: April 27


"When you're accustomed to corruption integrity feels like a  crime." - Jon Lovett

"The thing about procrastination is it pays off right now." - Bobby Mathews 

"Whenever I see something in media or social media that makes me afraid I ask: who's making money off this?" - John Copenhaver

"I always think of writing as being a con artist." - Stephen D. Rogers

"People who aren't awful bore the hell out of me." - Rob Pierce

"Caffeine recapitulates phylogeny."  - Zeke Hoskin

"Any writer will tell you once a voice comes to you, it can't be changed." -SJ Rozan

"Creating the illusion of expertise is often simply a matter of knowing when to quit." - Rupert Holmes

"He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that." - John Stuart Mill

"Most obits are mixed reviews." - Paul Simon

"Edgar Allan Poe was a great theorist but if you actually apply it to his writings he's about a C student." - Stephen D. Rogers 

"Politics, as a practice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds." - Henry Adams

“The fact that the situation is desperate doesn’t make it any more interesting.” John Barth

"One of the unknown secrets about ghostwriters is that many of us are the children of addicts and narcissists." - Sarah Tomlinson

"Do not go gentle into that good night.  Bring a flash light." - Chris Knopf

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