Thursday, August 13, 2020

Feminism and Women


"Modern equal opportunity laws state that when you apply for a job these days  you no longer have to reveal your gender.  Which must get very confusing because how do they know how much to pay people?" - Alfie Moore

"She failed to make herself heard over the roaring testosterone." - Liza Cody, slightly revised

"It is a fact universally acknowledged that a woman in possession of an opinion must be in want of a correction." -Rebecca Solnit

“The woman wage-earner is under one aspect an object of charity, under another an economic pervert, under another a social menace."  - Flora McDonald Thompson, 1904.

"What has taken so long about recognizing that women are people?” -Senator Jacob Javits (R-NY) 1976.

"Naked women are the hardest women to arrest." - Sandra Webster

"Boys will be boys -- If you teach them that's what a boy is." - Thomas Pluck

"As a woman, I was better suited to a career in something more traditionally feminine, like becoming a prostitute or dying in childbirth." - Allie Rubin

“No self-respecting businessman with a brain would ever employ a lady of child-bearing age” -Godfrey Bloom, Member of the European Parliament's Committee for Women's Rights and Gender Equality, 2004.

“I think hipster misogynists need to start getting messages that hipster misogyny isn’t a marketable skill” - Ophelia Benson

“I am a feminist because I love men, and I believe that they are capable and strong and wise. I am a feminist because I love women, and I believe that they too are capable and strong and wise.” -Kelly Barnhill

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