"I've gotta use words when I talk to you." - T.S. Eliot
"I love words. I'm using some right now." -Lou Sanders
"You have to be a pig when your audience are swine." - Michael Mallory
"The spelling of 'bourgeoisie' was intended as yet another means of oppression." - Jason, ex Inferis
"News is just gossip for people without friends." - Catherine Bohart
"I wonder if the person who coined the term 'jumping on the bandwagon' got really annoyed when everone else started using it." - Michael Spicer
"If couples would listen to each other more and
talk less they will eventually be able to stop talking to each other
altogether." - Tom Bodett
"I have no idea what she's talking about and
I can still tell that she's wrong." - Laura Hefferman
"Grapevines say a lot of things but it's mostly the wine talking." - Mick Herron
"Your words convince me that you have uttered what you said." - O. Henry
"You know you're a New Yorker when you think you're multilingual because you can curse in five languages." - Steven Wishnia
"There's nothing like a mask to reveal one's true nature." -Stuart Turton
“People who are brutally honest generally enjoy the brutality more than the honesty." - Richard Needham
"I do
not talk well enough to
be incomprehensible."
"We celebrate both our commonalities and differences, because if we had nothing in common we could not communicate, and if we had everything in common, we would have nothing to say." - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
"The person who insists on the last word doesn't show much faith in their arguments." - Lorrie B. Potters
"I agree with everything you say, but I would attack to the death your right to say it." -Tom Stoppard
"A lot of the world's problems are caused by confusing four letter
words, like 'love' and 'lust,' or 'want' and 'need.'" - Lorrie B.
"A statute is written to entrap meaning, a poem to escape it." - Hilary Mantel
"Have you noticed how the word “ubiquitous” is popping up everywhere these days?" -Zay N. Smith
"Whatever you lack in Skill and Ability can be easily masked with Volume and Poor Attitude."- Marvin Johnson
"It is a sure sign of troubled minds, the habit of quotation." - Hilary Mantel
"If your voice goes up at the end that doesn't necessarily make it a question." - Ginjer Buchanan
"Gentlemen never quote accurately." - Des MacHale
"I found out the hard way that 'kreplach' is NOT Klingon." -Kory Tideman
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther king, Jr.
"When I was in college, there were certain words you could not say in front of a girl... Now you can say them, but you can't say 'girl.'" - Tom Lehrer
“What I like in a good author is not what he says, but what he whispers.” -Logan Pearsall Smith
"The saddest five words in the English language are, 'You knew what I meant!'" -James Lincoln Warren
"Bullshit still works as fertilizer." - Chuck Wendig
“I like digressions when I'm the one doing the digressions.” – Bill Crider.
"I can't say hello in less than five thousand words." -Mark J. Ferrari
"What relationships need is less communication, not more." -Connie Willis.
"A mouth in motion tends to stay in motion." - Stephen Pastis
"Panelists, do you have any questions for the audience?" - Kevin B. Smith
“Ideas are easy. Execution is hard.” – David Edgerley Gates
“Anyone using the words ‘activation’ or ‘implementation’ will be shot.” - Maury Maverick, President of Smaller War Plants Corporation, 1944.
“You’re not eight. Punctuate.” - Nat Budin
“There has been tragedy enough without splitting infinitives.” - Herbert Adams
"Couples must conspire to hide things from one another; it's too difficult for either party to do alone." -Lawrence Shames
"He was so far out of the loop, he hadn't even known there was a loop." -Margaret Coel
"The squeaky wheel gets put on the oil committee." -Lorrie B. Potters
"Or perhaps the truth is less interesting than the facts?" -Amy Weiss, Senior Vice President for Communications, RIAA
"Where there's smoke, there's bound to be mirrors." -Garry Trudeau
"When a man's grief makes him so incoherent as that, we must at least give him credit for sincerity." -J.P. Dunn
"Unfortunately, he was not very skillful at expressing himself in Russian (although he knew no other language)." -Feodor Dostoevsky
"What people really need is a good listening to." -Mary Lou Casey
"It doesn't matter that everything has been said, because no one was listening." -A. Gide
"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, creep." -Calvin Trillin
"This sentence no verb." -D. Hofstader
"If you don't know how to pronounce a word, say it loud." -Will Strunk
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